Sunday, June 07, 2009

Old Man River

What a day it was for a dip in the Maury! Mid-eighties, almost cloudless sky, high water from weeks of good rainfall. The Goshen Pass--a stunning gorge where the Maury River makes its way between mountains in the Allegheny range just 20 miles from Lexington--is accessed by route 39 winding along the river. The trip is beautiful in itself. But park the car in a vacant one of dozens of pull-offs along the road, and clamber down to the water's edge to feel that you own the wilderness. Wade or swim to a boulder in the river and bask in the view and the sun and wonder if any problems exist in such an Eden!


  1. Ahhh! I well remember my dip in that wonderful river! Came away totally refreshed in body and soul. It is a beautiful and memorable place.

  2. Looks absolutely lovely! I love to sit and watch water moving. SO relaxing.
